在假期,您也许想阅读一本或几本相关西藏的英文书,下列是国际声援西藏运动 (ICT)的工作人员向您推荐的几本书。
A Conversation on Love and Hope for Our Precious Planet
By: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Patrick McDonnell

ICT President Tencho Gyatso says: “Every page has beautiful illustrations by Patrick and the words of His Holiness. The story is of a panda who looks to all the things going on in the world and wants to do something. He comes to Dharamsala, the exile home of His Holiness, to find inspiration, and His Holiness gives him beautiful advice. Patrick McDonnell has generously donated proceeds from the book to ICT. So you’ll be helping ICT as you purchase the book, and it’ll also bring you joy and happiness in your life, and if you gift it to others, in their lives as well.”
《现代藏人文集》; 丹增德吉编著
By: Tenzin Dickie

ICT Research Officer Tenzin Norgay says: “This book is marvelous for the fact that this is written by Tibetan writers. It has 28 essays written by 22 authors who are the best writers currently writing on Tibet in Tibetan, English and Chinese. And it covers a range of topics from food, love, comedy, you name it. It’s a feast of Tibetan literature.”
Memoirs of a Lifetime in Pursuit of a Reunited Tibet
By: Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari

ICT Chief Administrative Officer Lesley Rich says: “I’m biased as Lodi was my mentor. He passed away in 2018, and his memoirs were published posthumously. In the book, Lodi Gyari talks about his devotion to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, his commitment to nonviolence and always keeping the Tibetans inside Tibet at the forefront of his mind throughout the dialogue process. Direct communication is the only viable way to resolve the situation in Tibet. Lodi Gyari’s book provides the guidance necessary to get us back to the negotiating table.”
《西藏勇士—-阿丁和康巴人为国家自由而战的故事》; 嘉央诺布著
The Story of Aten and the Khampas’ Fight for the Freedom of their Country
By: Jamyang Norbu

ICT Deputy Director for Chinese Outreach Rinchen Tashi says: “This is the story of a Tibetan warrior named Aten and his people in Nyarong, Kham, Tibet. The peaceful lifestyle in Tibet was shattered by the invasion of Communist China in the 1950s. In this book, Aten tells of blood battles and the terrible suffering of his people and finally the murder of his family and his escape across the Himalayas to Dharamsala in northern India. I really, really wish you read this book to see how important it is to support the freedom of Tibet.”
《远离世界屋脊——与西藏难民游历四大洲》; 叶艾米著
Travels among Tibetan Refugees on Four Continents
By: Amy Yee

ICT Communications Officer Ashwin Verghese says: “This is an amazing book because it shows Tibetan exiles as not just serene monks or faceless victims of oppression, but as actual human beings whose lives are full of hopes and dreams, disappointments and resilience. The book also includes a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a testimonial from ICT President Tencho Gyatso, so I recommend you check it out!”